A review by halfmanhalfbook
Life Cycles by Julian Sayarer


Sayarer has been a bike nut all his life, from riding from a very young age to being a bike courier in London; a tough and relentless job. Having just seen the world record beaten for the cycling around the world, but with the cyclist sponsored by leading banks and corporations, he decides that this record belongs back with the true cyclists.

On a minimal budget of £8 a day, and with the intention of riding a minimum of 110 miles every single day to get back the record he has set himself a daunting target. Starting in France his route takes him across France and Europe, into Turkey and then Asia through the vast country of Kazakstan. Through China and Thailand. A brief sojourn through New Zealand and then America. After that he is back into Europe, and only has to cycle across Spain and back to Rouen his starting point.


Except it isn't. It is hard, relentless and you have to be physically and mentally tough. Sayarer is that type of guy and he makes this epic journey with good spirit. The people that he meets are generous, welcoming and warm. I think he helps, as he is an engaging character, and the characters that he meets respect him for his challenge.

Well worth reading for those that love cycling and travel books. 3.5 Stars.