A review by aprivateislander
Say You're One of Them, by Uwem Akpan


This book was a bit of a disappointment for me.

Unlike many of the reviewers, it would seem, I was well aware of the atrocities of poverty and war in Africa. I've seen enough documentaries, watched enough news programs, and read enough biographies to know the full extent of the situation. Perhaps because I was not ignorant of what was going on that this book fell so flat for me.

As someone who has heard all these stories before, Akpan didn't bring much more to the table to me. It was written in the generic voice of how adults seem to believe kids think, and the style and way of writing I felt clouded the stories. His ideas were excellent (especially in Luxurious Hearses), but I felt they were bogged down by the writing and I agree with reviewers who believe that limiting his stories length would benefit him greatly.

All that aside, this book is noble for bringing awareness to those who have managed to ignore all news reports on these sorts of situations. If you're already aware? Skip it, it's nothing special.