A review by ebooklover
Chouette by Claire Oshetsky


What a beautiful, thoughtful experience reading this book was.

I have to admit I got emotional towards the end knowing I was about to finish the story. I had gone on a similar journey as the lead character, Tiny. I struggled to love her strange daughter but once I did I fell head-over-hells. There was a protectiveness I couldn't help but feel. By the half-way mark I was in lock-step with Tiny in wanting Chouette to be loved for who she is. It pained me to read about the way those around her wanted her to change, or couldn't accept her for who she was.

The book was enjoyable as a "straight-forward" story about a woman who gives birth to an owl. I mean, the writing alone is so compelling and intriguing. The prose is some of my favorite I have ever read.

But, the metaphor at the center of this story is one that I think anyone can relate to. Especially mothers of "different" children or those of us who were "different" ourselves. I use the word "different" because there are really so many ways the book can be applied to real life experiences. I found Chouette's plight to be similar to children with autism, developmental/physical disabilities and sensitive personalities; or, more loosely, children that are LGBTQ.