A review by rheannag
Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse


when i first read this book in feb 2022 i gave it four stars. but now it’s march 2023 and i’ve come back to give it five stars.

this book really stayed with me. once i got past the universe building, i was so into the plot. i felt like i was rooting for so many people even if they were on opposing sides. the characters and groups were both good and evil. the relationships are complex and i genuinely have no clue what is going to happen in the last book.

i also love how unique this book felt in the world of fantasy. so many fantasy novels are very european based… this one felt like nothing i’ve read before. i also loved how the author took the time to include lots of diversity and consult people with those identities in doing so. was really awesome to read a fantasy inspired by indigenous south american cultures!! i keep trying to find new fantasy novels that will excite me as much as this series had and i haven’t yet, which is why i came back to improve the rating.