A review by kaje_harper
Coffee by Matthew J. Metzger


This is a sweet and warm coda to the story in [b:Tea|43391084|Tea (A Cup of John, #1)|Matthew J. Metzger|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1546093062l/43391084._SY75_.jpg|67415982] - John's self-confidence has come a long way; Chris is still prickly and defensive and independent, but a couple of years with a man who truly loves him have given him some certainty. When Chris's stepfather dies and leaves him a dilapidated old house, it opens up both possibilities and family wounds.

The conflict here is lower-key and external to the solid, wonderful relationship of these two men. I very much enjoyed watching them together. The moments of banter and the moments of love are both part of a warm relationship that is made to last. We learn more about Chris, his past and how it played out within his family, and about the man he is now. It was lovely to spend time with these two guys, and to watch their future take shape.