A review by btlitell
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir



There was a lot of really good humor throughout this, and I really appreciate that because it made the story that much better. I really want a shirt that says "we do bones, motherfucker!" for what I can only hope are obvious reasons. The one-liner zings like that were great.

That said, if not for the humor, I would probably give this a 3-star. I enjoyed the story as it was happening, but I can't tell you what really happened besides that there are necromancers in kind of space and there's people who are cavaliers.

I wasn't a huge fan of one person having 3 or 4 names they were called. First name, full name, last name, nickname, etc., was too much to keep track of in the audio format. The narrator was great, and I want to find more books she's read because of this one.