A review by littlefoot10
Magic Awakens by Lucía Ashta


This bewitching tale of Clara had me hooked from the very beginning. This was a very fast read, and it was very engaging.

Clara is a spitfire, and her overcoming her sickness, and coming into her own with magic was very compelling.

I really like Samuel, and knew that Clara obviously wasn't going to be getting a happily ever after so quickly.

I like Clara's spunk, even during this time period, when woman are made to be seen but not heard. The issues that Clara faces during this novel are really heavy, however this novel is balance with sweet moments of Clara with Maggie her best friend, and even Marcelo.

I love the intrigue with Marcelo as a character. We learn very little about the man and magician that he is. The things we do learn about his past are really unsettling.

The adventure within this story is interesting and I really was glad with how this first novel ended. Not with a severe cliff-hangar. But with the reader still hungrily wanting more.

I love October and this magical time of year. I love stories of witches and supernatural elements. I definitely will be continuing on with this series in the future. I want to know if Samuel will ever make another appearance, will Marcelo and Clara have a romantic relationship, will Winston come back for vengeance. I know where I want the story to go; but with some many in the series there are so many exciting possibilities for this world ! I cannot wait to dive back in.