A review by chrisistrangerthanu
Fooling Around With Cinderella by Stacy Juba


I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 stars
This is a sweet and uncomplicated read. With likable characters and a straightforward plot, this was unchallenging and fun. The protagonist Jaine is a doormat to her two older twin sisters and takes a job as the marketing manager for a disney-esque theme park, as well as their temporary Cinderella. Her new boss , Dylan is a delicious hunk of man and things ensue from there.
This is the type of book I would read by the beach or when I just want to relax. It didn't challenge much of the Cinderella tale, or romantic plot line status quo, but I never got bored. In fact, it was all the minor characters, particularly Dylan's grandparents that I most enjoyed. The little exchanges regarding the gnome liberations were so adorable too. Honestly, I think these minor characters deserved a larger role in the book as they were so much fun.
The only reason I haven't rated this book higher was because I felt like the romance happened too quickly and felt a bit arbitrary near the start, plus I longed for a more nuanced villian. Even disney villians had more character depth than the villian in this book. In the end though, I did enjoy myself while reading this book and I had a couple of good laughs.