A review by laci
The Annihilation Score by Charles Stross


Meh. What a disappointment. I did like the idea of switching to Mo. She'd been in the background for so long, and seemed like a nice character. But sadly, the entire book was mostly drudgery about meetings and committees and more meetings. Mo was always self-centered and a horrible, hypocritical wife.

I'd also hoped for more Mo/Bob interactions, because in the Bob books, she was most often sent on an errand somewhere and didn't appear in many scenes. But the same thing is done here to Bob.

Also, given that the two were portrayed as vastly different people, I'd expected the narration to have a different tone, but I'm not sure that was accomplished. And she quite often indulged in the same kind of quips Bob would - sometimes she prepended it with "as Bob would say", sometimes not. (Note that I don't have anything against this *in principle* - you can hardly be married to someone for 10 years and not pick up at least *some* of their mannerisms.)