A review by sambora
Nemesis Games by James S.A. Corey


This! This is what this series needed! I have, without question, enjoyed the books and short stories up until this point, but this one may be my favourite thus far and it took me a little by surprise.

*This will be a brief and spoiler-free review.*

A lot is happening in this book... Shit goes down in a pretty major way - there is no understating that. And we are lucky enough to see all of it from a variety of perspectives that we are already very familiar with and care for.
Nemesis Games splits the crew of the Roci up, and gives us all of them a perspective. Holden, Naomi, Alex and Amos - each of them head in different directions, going on their own journeys, whilst still keeping their individual adventures cleverly intertwined with each other.
This gives the characters a chance to realise how much they love, value and appreciate each other - both as crewmates and friends, while also giving us as readers the opportunity to see a different side to them, or to learn a bit about their past. This was a lot of fun.
It gave each of them a chance to really shine, and having each of them try to imagine what the others would do if they were in that same situation? *Chef's kiss!*

One thing I must say, this was a very tidy story, if that is a description that makes sense to anyone. The format, the plotting, the perspectives, the cast of new and old characters, everything comes together and fits really well, without it coming across as contrived or circumstantial. It's incredibly impressive and very satisfying to read.

I won't say much else. Reviewing the fifth book in a series can be a hot mess and I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, so I shall just leave it there.

4.5 stars! Very enjoyable and a stand out of the series up unto this point!

I still have a way to go with <>The Expanse but this entry has really invigorated me, and I hope to finish the others before the end of the year, if at all possible around all the other books on my tbr. Fingers crossed!


Thank you for reading my review.

I am a tad behind on reviews at the moment - I really just haven't been making the time. Between work, family, video games and actually reading, reviews have fallen to the wayside somewhat, which is unfortunate, but I hope to rectify that and I plan to make more of an effort to write down and share my thoughts moving forward, even if it's just a short piece. We shall see if that works out.

I hope anyone reading this is doing well and are enjoying what they are reading at the moment!