A review by kenzee06
Obsession by Debra Webb


*I won this book in a GoodReads First Reads giveaway*

Obsession was a good book. Not great, but definitely a nice intro into the series. I enjoyed how it stuck mainly to the crime portion of the novel, but made it clear (hopefully) that we'll see a little romance for some of the characters going forward. I liked Dan - and I desperately want to meet his mother in future books. She sounds like one of those people you love to hate.

What I had trouble with was Jess. I'm not going to say I hated her...but I couldn't quite like her either. I appreciated her desperation and insecurity - and I thought that was well done considering her recent past problems. I even liked how she disobeyed orders towards the end. But then she'd sneak in something really irritating like how all her coworkers were out to get her/she can't trust anyone blah, blah, blah. And hey, maybe they were...but since we didn't see any of that it, it felt out of place. You know that person who thinks everyone is talking about them (as if people don't have their own lives and problems)? That's Jess.

Still the book was pretty good. I really liked Lori. And I'm interested to see how it plays out with the Player. 3.5 stars.