A review by luna_rondo
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini


This is the kinda book that in high school, I would have given like three stars. Coming off the crest of Twilight-mania, this is the kind of book I would have enjoyed. (And Yes, the first time I read Twilight, I loved it. Subsequent re-reads, not so much.)

However, at 26, this book is a nightmare. Listen, I get it - I'm not the demographic for YA. I don't care, YA has some of the most enjoyable writing I've come across. This, however, sucked ass. and it was a shame too, since it started out so interesting.

Do you know that mothers curse their talented daughters with something called the Cramps Curse? Because girls shouldn't outshine boys? That every time a demigod is born, they were the face of someone killed at the battle of Troy? Did you know that Helen and Creon couldn't possibly be related because he's never felt a hard-on when he looked at his real cousins? These are just some of the things that I had to read with my own two eyeballs.

It literally pulled stuff from Twilight, City of Bones and 800 other paranormal/fantasy YA. Also, there's this series called Percy Jackson and it did demigods WAY, WAY, WAY better.