A review by rhi_books
More Letters of Note: Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience by Shaun Usher


[I should probably say that I was given this book in a Goodreads giveaway. I was not required to give a review and my opinion is my own. Just like to be upfront about these things.]

I recieved the softback edition which is a large, heavy thing with good quality paper. You could do some damage if you whacked someone with it. I like that in a book. It also has plenty of pictures, including scans of the letters.
In my opinion this is a book that should be in dead tree format. Perhaps a PDF if they sell them, but I can't imagine it would look good on an ereader.

The content is amazing. I haven't read the first volume, but if you're having doubts about there not being enough quality letters out there to fill this book then I'm happy to say those fears are unfounded. In these pages you will find every aspect of humanity that is expressable in words, and a reassuring reminder that wherever or whenever you go people are people. One of my favourites was a clay tablet complaining about the poor quality of goods. Something that will make me smile next time I'm wrangling with some customer service helpline, I'm not just on hold, I'm participating in a thousands of years old tradition.
It's rare that something is both mind expanding and comforting at the same time, but this book pulls it off.

I did find the centerpiece of an embroidered letter from a madwoman a little uncomfortable, but I understand why it was included. That's about the only negative I can think of, and that's probably just me.