A review by sudeepta_booksteaandmore
Raven Song by I.A. Ashcroft


For full review please visit https://booksteaandmorecom.wordpress.com/2016/12/15/book-review-raven-song-inokis-game-book-1/#more-496

The world came to an end on 2022.There was bombing all around. The radioactivity was so intense that all cities have been shrouded by barriers to protect citizens from these radioactive waves. Jackson runs his father’s courier company Dovetail Parcel and is involved in smuggling activities. Jackson has a darkness in his life and he sees ravens all around. He sees weird scary dreams and only some special tea can soothe his soul. He leads a life in shadows. He is aware that he has some special abilities which are but not special enough to qualify him to be a part of the Mage order.

The coalition which is the government, reach out to Dovetail to carry out a secret consignment transport for them. During this they discover a naked frightened girl in a box. This girl Anna remembers nothing, she had gone to office like always but suddenly things are not what they are. She was in the year 2022 and now she has time traveled to year 2142. Suddenly she also discovers some new found abilities which she was oblivious to her in the past.

Both the coalition and the mage order seems to be behind Jackson and Anna, it looks like they can trust no one. As past emerges and truth is revealed things get scarier and the mystery increases.

This novel is a great mix of dystopian, magic with subtle hints of romance and some elements of science fiction. The plot of the book is engaging and builds up inquisitiveness in the reader.Where the author has done well is in the plot development as the new twists and turns that come in the story are deeply engaging. The pacing of the novel is apt for the story. One does not feel that the pace of the story is too fast or slow.

The novel is well structured. Where I found the novel lacking was in character building as none of the characters I could get a comprehensive picture of other than Anna to some extent. This maybe deliberate as this is the first book in the Inoki’s Game series. Also I felt that though the world building was good more could be done. I think fans of dystopian and fantasy will enjoy this one. Further you can visit the authors website . I visited this website post reading the book but wish I had gone through it earlier as the tidbits of information here really builds up your inquisitiveness and adds to the plot of the story.