A review by words_on_paper_official
Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence


This was the first grim dark fantasy I have read. I won’t lie there were some great battles and fight scenes described. Some of those battles were with our protagonist Jorg. The internal battles he faces being good and evil and taking what he wants and what’s rightfully his. He deals with the trauma of seeing his mother and younger brother brutally murdered When he was a boy.
Now barely a teenager himself he is forced to grow up on the road with his band of ruthless “brothers” who pillage and steal and rife their way through towns and villages.

Throughout the story we learn that Jorg is out for blood and seeks revenge on the man responsible for the slaying of his mother and brother. As Jorg seeks his revenge he makes rash decisions that endanger he and his “road brothers”.

I found some spots of this story to be hard to read. Not in the sense that it was bad but just difficult following along. Maybe it’s because I don’t read fantasy much or some of the writing was not flowing for me. Overall I enjoyed this book. I liked the main protagonist “Jorg” even though most people may find him despicable for what he does. I think he’s just a young boy that was forced to grow up way to fast. I’m not excusing his actions by any means.