A review by doremelodie
The Edge of Summer by Erica George


Usually I grow to love the characters in a book after I spend time with them and learn about the inner workings of their mind. However, the more I got to understand Cor, the more I despised her. She ditched her childhood best friend for a boy she didn’t even like. This said best friend was also her only friend. This said boy was also her only friend’s long time crush who is also super rude and self centered. Who in their right mind would ever even hesitate to pick? Get this, choosing between being one of the many people to save a whale or be there to support the guy you literally just said I love you to. I get that the whale is a once in a lifetime thing, but how much help could you really have been? If anything, at least give the guy some notice instead of agreeing to go to the hospital only to make a u turn for a whale.

Maxxon is equally immature. He’d rather play pretend than commit to anything. He acts out whenever he is frustrated. He doesn’t communicate properly, always saying he isn’t in the right headspace and then just leaving it at that.

Their relationship takes one step forward and then gets caught up in a riptide. Sometimes they make it out and other times they just suffer through it and then pretend it never happened. I saw no growth and just a weird “relationship” if you can even call if that.