A review by mgt48
Crush by Andrea N. Richesin


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While reading Crush:26 Real-Life Tales of First Love the anthology about crushes-obviously- by Andrea n. Richesin I felt nostalgic for something that I feel like I have no right to feel nostalgic for. I make it quite plain all the time that I’m not a fan of the cheesy commercialize version of love. Or sappy Romantic Comedies were the girl always gets her guy or vice versa,I like love stories that have a twist maybe that why I enjoyed Crush so much

I honestly don't believe I’ve ever been in love with anyone other then family or with friends where everything was completely platonic. While reading Crush I wished that I had though,throughout this book I kept thinking back to my previous crushes and smiling or most oftenly sighing at what could have happened if I wasn't so shy. The book is compromised of 26 essays/stories of authors first loves/crushes. Some were pretty interesting while others not so much. They all though are about sharing a personal story about a moment that changed them forever.

Some of the stories were sweet and fun as seen in Laured Oliver's story,then there was some slightly obsessive love for a celebrity “To Sir Anthony,With Love”and even some borderline obsessive stalker behavior in the “Uncle” Greg story by Heather Swain which made me laugh out loud the whole time. It also was interesting to see how the perspective of a story changed and meant two completely different thing when retold.

My favorite story would have to be “The Boy in the White VW Bug” which made me smile the whole time. Then there was When it was all Brand by Rebecca Walker her story was raw honest and compelling I thought about days after reading. Another story that I thought about days after and reread was “What I Kept” by Jacquelyn M told the story of a pure young love that I doubt is still in existence any more and that makes me sad because her story is heart-warming and I wish people where still like that. Each story deserves a different rating but as a whole Crush is wonderful and will fill you with nostalgia and longing for your first love/crush.5/5