A review by tashrow
The Best Family In The World, by Susana López Rubio, Ulises Wensell


When Carlota is told that she has been adopted by a family, she lets her imagination range over what kind of family she will be joining. It could be a family of pastry chefs who would let her have chocolate pastries for every meal. Or perhaps a pirate family who will let her search for treasure and wear an eye patch and a peg leg. Maybe a family of tiger trainers so she could take a cub to school with her. It might be a family of astronauts and she could count the stars to fall asleep at night. When the Perez family shows up the next morning, they are the best family in the world for Carlota who finds many of her dreams have come true in small ways. Most importantly, she has found a family that loves her.

This is a marvelous book about adoption. It captures the dreams of the child and then the reality itself where the reality may not be as flashy but is perfect none-the-less because they love her. Created by an author and illustrator from Spain, this book is universally appealing. Lopez’s text is friendly and effusive. The daydreams are fanciful and interesting, but Lopez has allowed the reality to be the real star here. Wensell’s illustrations are charming and friendly. They invite young readers into the story, reveal the humor of the daydreams, and linger lovingly and warmly on the real family.

Recommended for all library collections, this book about adoption is something special. Appropriate for ages 3-6.