A review by islandgeekgirl
Just Another Girl by Elizabeth Eulberg


This is a book where I really liked the concept of it because it rings very true. There's so many mediums where the reader or viewer see one girl or a group of girls vilifying another girl for some reason that looks petty in hindsight and without ever really knowing anything about the poor girl. I liked the idea of getting to see both sides. Hope, who had a huge crush on her best friend Brady and hated his girlfriend, and Parker, Brady's girlfriend who was struggling with a lot of things and really didn't need Hope's hatred on top of it all.

The book alternated their POVs to give the reader both sides of the drama. I found myself enjoying Parker's chapters more than Hope's for the main character but Hope's chapters more than Parker's for the supporting characters. Parker's parts were more focused on her struggle to keep her secret and her stress that Hope might succeed in stealing Brady from her. Hope's parts were focused on her plan to steal Brady but also involved her and her club mates in the Rube Goldberg machine group she started. I fell in love with those guys. We also got to see a lot of Hope's mother and her best friend.

With the book being so short, it didn't feel like there was a lot of time spent on developing a lot of the characters. The plot stayed pretty straight forward and predictable. I could see where the build up was going but once it got there, it fell a bit flat. It definitely had a lot of potential and there's an author's note included that is a must read, but overall it just fell flat for me.

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.