A review by meganmreads
The Secret Girl by C.M. Stunich


Since I enjoyed Havoc so much and the sequel wasn’t out yet, I decided to check out some of the author’s completed series. It seems like she writes a lot of the reverse harem high school bully romance, which I haven’t decided is really my thing, but was willing to keep going.
I enjoyed the trilogy and the murder mystery vibe, but it felt way more far fetched than the Havoc series. It was more of an academy/boarding school setting, the main character’s dad worked at the school, and the main character was a virgin who started going to the school dressed like a boy just to not draw so much attention. It just didn’t seem as likely that she would somehow fall into this relationship with so many guys all at one time, but it was still fun to read. I felt the whole romance was more clunky and awkward in this, but I just pretended like the whole premise made sense when it didn’t.