A review by brittandie
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People/ The 8th Habit by Stephen R. Covey


The concepts in this book are more intuitive than anything else, written like a student trying to fill in as many words as possible to fit the word count requirements. The writing is too ambiguous, riddled with faux-profound statements. Reading this made me want to pound my head against the wall.

You want to know what these secretive 7 habits are that the highly effective don't want to tell you about?
1. Be proactive
2. Begin with the End in Mind
3. Put First Things First
4. Think Win-Win
5. Seek First to Understand, then to be understood
6. Synergize
7. Sharpen the Saw

This book is exactly like a fortune cookie. Sounds good but with no real substance.

You want endless charts with exactly what is written in the previous paragraph? You want diagrams with arrows galore? You want to buy his time-management calendar? You want to buy his other amazingly profound books?

Yeah, I don't.

No thanks.