A review by emlickliter
His Small-Town Girl by Lacy Williams


I won an advanced copy of this book, but I've read several books by Lacy Williams now. I love the coming home to a small town troupe so so much, and this little town has its share of interesting characters. When Cord comes back to Sutter's Hollow to settle his deceased grandmother's affairs and to sell her ranch (and maybe some of its painful memories), he has no interest in sticking around. Molly, on the run from a stalker, answers a mysterious help wanted ad in town for a ranch hand only to have her truck break down in Cord's field. Cord realizes that Molly's ability to fix up his antique tractors to sell may be the answer to his overdue mortgage problems, so he offers her a safe haven in exchange for her help getting the ranch solvent. While Molly is fixing up tractors, she takes a swing at fixing up Cord through the time honored tradition of homemade meals. This was a cute read! Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the childhood friends' stories turn out!