A review by messing_with_book
Dirty Curve by Meagan Brandy


ARC provided in exchange for an honest review

What book! Meagan Brandy gave me a very moving, adorable and surprising love story about second chances, characters that are much more than meets the eye and a book that goes straight to my favorites list.

Meyer was a wonderful character for me, I fell in love with her from the first moment, for that reason, her situation throughout the book broke my heart a lot and I wanted nothing more than to protect her. Meyer has a big heart, is kind, empathetic, hardworking, dedicated, brave and tries to put herself in the shoes of others, is a girl who is going through a difficult situation due to her past mistakes but she's willing to graduate and do her best to be happy and give little Bailey the life she deserves. One of the things I loved about Meyer was his ability to acknowledge his mistakes and fix them, and I found them adorable the moments when she realized she was hurting Tobias’s feelings unintentionally and tries to apologize. I also really enjoyed reading her friendship with Bianca and her relationship with Milo, I liked that, in one way or another, she was surrounded by love and support.

With Tobias I had a difficult start, I have to say that at the beginning I was not liking his character at all because his personality was arrogant, conceited and I didn’t like the way he behaved with Meyer, but the more I read his story, the more I realized that Tobias is a very complex character: he’s a boy who has not received the support of his family when he needed it most, someone who has been forced to hide his true personality and be what others say he is, but in reality Tobias is a tender, adorable, attentive and understanding boy, I loved reading how he changes his behavior when he found out about Meyer’s situation, and discovering his true personality was one of my favorite things about this book.

As a couple Meyer & Tobias are absolutely beautiful! Although they have a complicated beginning, it’s very interesting to read how Tobias's feelings begin to change and his physical attraction for Meyer becomes something more, I loved his way of supporting her unconditionally, how affectionate and tender he was with her, but the best of all is the way he gets involved with little Bailey, those moments are the most beautiful that I have read and they are the reason why I fell in love with these three. But not everything is so perfect, because Meyer has a great secret that turns his life and Tobias's upside down, especially because it could destroy his relationship with the only person who has supported him, and it’s a secret that he discovers a special bond between Tobias & Meyer, something that surprised me but I really enjoyed discovering, also this plot has twists and situations that are completely surprising and unexpected, moments that broke my heart and made suffer, but they are completely worth it to read this wonderful story.