A review by subhamroxx
Bloodshot Volume 2: The Rise and the Fall by Duane Swierczynski


This was another fun read!

We pick with Kara and Melissa as they are captured by PRS and taken hostage but it was the plan of Bloodshot to let them be captured so he could rescue them and we have him going to here they are held (using nanites in Kara's blood which he gave her earlier) and well once inside its mayhem on all sides as he takes down all those enemies to rescue his friends but he is confronted by a group of young Psiot children..and we see two instances like what happened five years ago on missions of Bloodshot when he was under PRS control and thus that explains why these children hate him and of the fat white woman named Gamma and well her threat. Will Bloodshot be able to defeat GAMMA and save this children? Plus the fate of Melissa and Kara.

And yep this volume was again epic and it feels like an action movie and its so well done, whenever we are struck with some weird continuity thing we get a flashback thing and that sort of storytelling method is so awesome and we have Bloodshot being so awesome and taking down enemies left and right and I also love the focus on these children and Gamma was a fun villain and the way the fight ends is awesome but its all leading to Harbinger wars in an epic fashion, loved the whole volume and the art gets so much better, action so much raw, stakes so much higher!