A review by rotellareads
The Year We Fell Down, by Sarina Bowen


3.5 stars

The premise of the story was ingriguing and The Year We Fell Down came highly recommended when I was looking for a handicapped/differently abled main character. I found that the actual story itself fell a bit short for me. There wasn't a lot of depth to the plot and everything about the story was very surface level. I really liked both of the main characters, even though Hartley had his head up his ass for the majority of the book. I just could not wrap my brain around his relationship with Stacia, even after it was explained. He had the perfect woman in front of him and yet he still held onto the shiny pretty arm candy that gave him nothing in return.

Hartley's absentee father storyline was vague and then resolved at the end without enough followup. It seemed just haphazardly thrown in.

I appreciated the amount of detail that the author put into Corie's life after her injury and just how difficult it was to blend in during your first year of college. The authenticity was there when it came to navigating an older college campus and the nuances of trying to access buildings and participate in activities. I loved the outside the box ways that Corie and Hartley made the best of the situation and found ways to bring the world to them instead of adapting.

I was pretty bummed by the abrupt ending of the book. I guess you could call it a HFN. I wanted more with regards to how Adam and Corie's relationship progressed. How they navigated the bumps and struggles of being a differently abled young adult couple.