A review by underwater_reader
One Bad Apple by Sheila Connolly


This was a pretty cute start to the series. Meg Corey has lost her job and her boyfriend in Boston, so her mom suggests that she move to the small town of Granford to fix up a house that has been passed down so that they can sell it. After only a few weeks there Meg's ex, Chandler is found dead in her new septic tank. He's part of a team of bankers that want to turn Meg's orchard into a strip mall in order to modernize the town a little. In order to clear both her name and her new friend Seth's, she sets out to find the real culprit.
I had a hard time getting into this book, but I think that has more to do with me and being sick than it has with the book itself. There were several instances in the book that felt super repetitive. I did like the conclusion, it was satisfying and I had it about 60% figured out, but there were still some loose ends I couldn't quite figure out. The setting is really quaint and I really liked the characters. I will most likely continue on with this series, but not right away. The ending did leave the story open for some interesting developments in Meg's future that I am curious to see how it goes.