A review by jessalynn_librarian
So Totally Emily Ebers by Lisa Yee


You can't help but like Emily Ebers - even when she makes some questionable decisions or fails to pick up on sarcasm. Her story nicely rounds out the series that began with [b:Millicent Min, Girl Genius|230992|Millicent Min, Girl Genius|Lisa Yee|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1172929065s/230992.jpg|223724] and continued with [b:Stanford Wong Flunks Big-time|444668|Stanford Wong Flunks Big-time|Lisa Yee|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1174840339s/444668.jpg|2367795] - each book tells the story of the same summer from a different character's point of view, and each viewpoint makes the story fresh and funny in different ways.

While I still think Millicent is my favorite (I love sarcastic characters), I enjoyed Emily's point of view. Getting a first person narrative gives insight into each characters family and home life and really illustrates the point that things are always different on the inside. Emily wishes she had Millicent's "normal" parents, while Millicent wishes she had Emily's journalist mother. Emily idolizes Stanford while being blind to how much he likes her in return. It's hard enough as an adult to recognize how a different viewpoint changes things, so I love any books that point that out to children - while still managing to be hilarious and true to the middle school experience.