A review by xakyr
The Secret Keeper by Beverly Lewis


This book put me through an emotional and spiritual wringer! It made me stop and consider my own relationship with God, as it spoke of a young woman trying to make her way into the Amish Faith and how she was supposed to uphold its tenants when asked to keep a secret that would be harmful to her hostess' standing in the community. The romance in it was very subtle, only supporting the quest of the main heroine, Jenny, and not overshadowing it. It was a unique story line, but where I was liking it somewhat, quickly soured when I realized that this book was a direct continuation of the author's Heritage of Lancaster County series, which I have not read. While the characters involved were not main characters, I found it distracting to have those characters so integral to this story when I hadn't read what happened before that. All things considered, it was an okay installment in a series that I'm not enjoying that well and would not recommend as good Amish reading.