A review by suzannedix
The Lives We Lost by Megan Crewe


In book two of The Fallen World series, Kaelyn and her friends, all who have lost their parents to the "friendly flu," must now learn how to survive in a ravaged and treacherous new world. Before he died, Kaelyn's father had created a vaccine for the flu and suddenly Kaelyn realizes that she holds the future of the world in her hands. Embarking on an amazingly difficult and dangerous journey to bring the vaccine to scientists who can produce more of the vaccine, Kaelyn and her friends learn that surviving often means making many choices that are not simply black or white.

While not tautly written and certainly proving that book two of a trilogy is usually the one short on plot, this book will hold readers attention simply for its fear factor approach: what if the flu becomes a pandemic? Kaelyn is a likable character, as are most of her friends, but the plot is short on development. Profane language is used sparingly though seems to also be gratuitous, as if a mature middle school reader or high school reader would require the f-word in order to enjoy a book. If dystopians are still going strong in your library, this is a perfectly acceptable addition.

Recommended though as an optional purchase.