A review by deldir
Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual by Jocko Willink


Good, practical advice from someone with abundant credibility

This book got off to an uneven start for me: Jocko begins with some very short, rhythmic, poetic chapters on perseverance, will, and discipline. He comes off as a very ‘run through walls to get success!’ kind of motivational speaker, and I wasn’t getting much out of it.

I realize that mentality comes before action whatever we’re doing, but my figurative ears perked up once Jocko got onto specific tactics and strategies. He IS a fan of rest, recovery, and not overtraining, but that doesn’t show up until you read the second half of the book. I think the book as a whole might have been more valuable with the concrete training, eating, and living advice up front, with the mental exhortations to follow. You’d know more about what exactly you’re kicking ass to achieve!

That aside, I think this book is a great intro to working out, martial arts (it’s gotten me fired up to try some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu!), and paleo eating. Definitely a worthwhile quick read.