A review by aligeorge
Be Awesome: Modern Life for Modern Ladies by Hadley Freeman


This is more a 3.5 star book I think - there are some very funny parts, some less so. I really like Hadley's columns and this is essentially a collection of those; some funny, some insightful, and one or two that left me cold. I think after reading funny feminist books along the lines of 'How to Be A Woman' and 'Let's Pretend This Never Happened' I was perhaps expecting a similar narrative hook, but whilst Hadley gives some insight into her life growing up, this book is not presented in the heart-on-sleeve personal way of the aforementioned. Perhaps as a result it doesn't have the same belly laughs or desperately sad moments - it's just a collection of eminently sensible, practical advice. Which is actually quite refreshing.

I suppose in some ways she is preaching to the converted (ie me, long time reader, first time reviewer), and that might be the reason why I was underwhelmed by some sections. Essentially I was going 'come on, I knew that, tell me something we don't both already know!' - but of course the fact I think she's stating the obvious doesn't mean everyone else will. In fact I have several friends who do not think the same way and very much need to read this, particularly some of the points around body image.

Some of the content is brilliant and it is consistently interesting - it's given me reading recommendations and inspiring female role models to find out about, which is always interesting for a history graduate. I could have done with more surprising things, for instance the piece about how we have internal, fictionalised versions of ourselves was a highlight - but overall this is worth a look, because it's life affirming and in parts very funny. Worth buying for the awkward teenage girl in your life, who probably needs a no-nonsense reminder to be awesome.