A review by amuzoo
Outbound Flight by Timothy Zahn


5/5 stars

i am so heartbroken this is not funny. i have concluded that i love thrawn, hate jorus c'baoth and Palpatine.

Spoilerliterally wtf is wrong with jorus c'baoth and i'm so sorry that he was thrawn's first jedi (in legends). c'baoth is literally so annoying i genuinely would not reread this book just because of c'baoth and how sad this was. lorana jinzler i love you tbh. thrass rip king. also ar'alani i love you bae.

i definitely prefer the newer thrawn books +ascendancy trilogy to the legends, but it was still good. ofc thrawn being a genius is always welcome. love thrawn

okay so, anakin liking c'baoth??? red flag. this little sh*t. and there was some point a jedi (i forget which jedi, i think it might've been Ma'Ning) said anakin surely wouldn't turn to the dark side... :|
it's also so hilarious to read doriana get played by sidious/palpatine like i know sidious was laughing his ass off every time he told doriana to fuck with palps.