A review by katieejayne
The Sadeian Woman: And the Ideology of Pornography by Angela Carter


A new kind of book for me. I don 't often read non-fiction. If I do they're normally textbooks or biographies. This was partially out of the need for my dissertation and partially out of curiosity. The Sadeian Woman is an academic look at the Marquis De Sade and how he and his work is still relevant today. If not necessarily in the same way as it once was. Carter updates it and instead links it to today's symbols and views on women.

For those unaware the Marquis De Sade is worth a google (for the more mature crowd), he was a notorious 'sexual deviant' of his time and wrote works such as Juliet and Justine. Both of which are steeped in promiscuity, sexual fantasies and all manner of taboo subjects. Yet they offer an interesting commentary.

Carter has her own take on his work and reading this extended essay I can see his influence in her own stories. It was fascinating if a difficult read at some points. It's certainly not one you want people reading over your shoulder. If you have an interest in Angela Carter, the Marquis De Sade or gender studies I'd highly suggest giving this a go!
