A review by jasmyn9
A Summoner's Tale: The Vampire's Confessor by Victoria Danann


Book three in the Order of the Black Swan fell a little short for me compared to the first two books. Book three centers around Baka's history and his very horrible past. At first I found his story quite interesting, but as it continued through repeated flashbacks it seemed more of an interruption than part of the story. I was disappointed because Baka is one of my favorite characters. I was excited to see part of the romance involve him, but I wish I had seen actual romance.

What seemed to be the main part of the story was the birth of Elora's and Ram's baby and her new relationship with a pack of wolves. I loved this part of the story because I love Ram and Elora. It was wonderful to see what happened after their happily ever after wedding. Elora continues to amaze me by how adaptable she can be and still remain a character with flaws that keep her human.

There was plenty of action that picked up as if book two had never ended. I love how Victoria Danann can just keep going - making sure all our old favorite characters are involved while still introducing new characters for us to fall in love with as well.