A review by remedyreads
Belonging: The Science of Creating Connection and Bridging Divides by Geoffrey L. Cohen


  1. Cohen does some tedious work in a very readable and understandable way. The first part of his book talks about studies and researchers that are foundational to the field of social psychology. These are things you will find on the NCE or CPCE. Then, he introduces more recent research that takes cues from those foundational studies to create interventions and practical applications for modern dilemmas. So, what you get is a book with premises and suggestions built on exceedingly sturdy, replicable, and generalizable results. That means a ton less digging on my part to make sure I agree with what the author is proposing. If you are wanting to get into research or to understand how research is designed in social psychology, this is a very high-level look at that.
  2. Cohen writes about something that affects every level of all societies. There is not a single sector of industry or group of people that would not benefit from reading this book and understanding how they do or do not contribute to feelings of belonging for those around them.
  3. This book starts with science but ends with action. Many of the books I read will tell you exactly why you are silly, confused, sad, or intelligent but this is the very rare book that shows you how you can overcome your sad confusion when it comes to belonging and how to deal with difficult situations that add to loneliness in every area of life. This book is extremely practical.