A review by laurenjodi
Demon from the Dark by Kresley Cole


Demon from the Dark
4 Stars

I decided to take a break from IAD for a couple of months as I was starting to get burned out on the series and had a difficult time getting into Pleasure of a Dark Prince. That said, I am happy to say that the series is back on track with Malkom and Carrow's romance.

Malkom is a sweetheart in a hulking almost savage package. It is easy to become distracted by his Neanderthal-like characterization, but there is more to him than meets the eye. The history of abuse and betrayal that he suffers is reminiscent of Kenyon's Zarek and Ward's Zsadist, but he is slowly revealed to be an loyal, noble and passionate hero.

Carrow takes a back seat in previous books and very little is known about her at the outset of Demon from the Dark. Nevertheless, she is a wonderful sarcastic and snarky heroine with an inner vulnerability that drives much of her behavior prior to the book and a core of strength that motivates her actions once the story is set in motion.

Malkom and Carrow are sizzling together and the obstacles they must overcome in order to be together make for both exciting and heart-breaking reading. This review would not be complete without mentioning Ruby, the precocious little witch that Carrow inherits - she is so adorable and brings out the best in both of the main characters.

The concept of an order of mortals bent on capturing and exterminating members of the Lore is original and compelling. The execution is also believable, which is quite an achievement given that the supernatural beings are supposed to be all-powerful.

Overall, the new direction that the series is heading in is very intriguing and I look forward to Regin's book - it will be interesting to see how Declan redeems himself.