A review by adammm
Hard Job by Annabeth Albert


Hard Job by Annabeth Albert is the second in her A-List Security series, featuring age-gap relationships between older ex-SEAL bodyguards and younger celebrities (actor, rockstar, etc). I'm going to keep this review brief because I have little new to say about this book that I haven't said about the rest of her recent books: Albert is at her best when she's writing in the third-person; her first-person works, like Hard Job, tend to have very similar voices with very similar characters who do not sound like realistic adult men. A big issue with this book is that it reads a little too similar to the first in the series, Tough Luck, although this time I'm not grossed out by the characterization of one of the characters. Moreover, Hard Job suffers from a tragically weak plot; there is quite literally no organic tension after the 25% mark as the romance is essentially wrapped up by this point. There is no point to the rest of the book. All in all, what should have been a quick 1.5-2 hour read stretched over several days because it was such a yawn. I don't recommend this book, and I do not plan on reading more in this series.