A review by alibi313
Evil in All Its Disguises by Hilary Davidson


Whodunits For Dummies. I've never listened to a book before where snippets of conversations were repeated ad nauseam--as if the reader/listener were incapable of keeping track of the "complicated" plot without constant updates. Sorry, but that wasn't really a problem--Scooby Doo had more complex mysteries.

And then there's the romance novel portion, which took up about one entire disc (out of 8). Tepid at best and didn't advance the plot. Waste of time; could've skipped it without missing anything.

The narration did the book no favors, as it sounded like a junior high drama performance, complete with overdone accents (including an excruciating Asian "tiger mother" impression which should have been left to Margaret Cho). Of course, considering the amateurish writing, perhaps the narrator was doing her best to liven up the source material. Apparently, this is part of a series. Often, when I inadvertently pick up a book mid-series, I'll be intrigued enough to go back and read the earlier works. Not gonna happen this time.