A review by hhndoll
Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce


I had seen people recommend this series and thought that it sounded up my alley. A retelling of fairy tales I am all for it! That was until I started reading, I liked the book well enough; but it leans more to the meh side but it's has not deterred me from reading the rest.

We start of meeting 11 year old Red, just as a wolf meets her and her sister at their grandmother's house. Red and Rosie hide as the grandmother tries to hold back the wolf till the woodsman gets there. Sadly grandma dies and Red goes after the wolf.

Skip to about 7 years later. A disfigured Red is out hunting for wolves. Silas the woodsman's boy is returning from a trip to San Francisco and Rosie although trained to be a hunter is left home by an overbearing sister.

The 3 go off to Atlanta to investigate the ideal of a Potential; someone who is destined to become a wolf, and to stop a lot of murders that are happening because of the congestion of so many wolves. The 3 each learn more about themselves and Rosie and Silas find love.

The beginning and last 1/3 of the book are more than enjoyable but there are parts in the middle I could have done without. The love story between Silas and Rosie is almost elementary school (blush, no, blush, no, kiss, instant couple).

I liked Red and would have loved to see more of a change in her development. With any of the character's developments to be honest. With so much focus towards Red even when in Rosie's point of view it would have been a stronger story to make her a love interest, not necessarily Silas but anyone.

Again I really want to continue with this series but it's not as high on my TBR list as it once was.