A review by thebookramblings
Balefire by Cate Tiernan


This book has the complete series to Balefire, which at first I wasn't aware of, but soon after reading was pleasantly surprised and pleased because once I finished the first part, I wanted the complete series.

I wasn't sure how I was going to enjoy this series because I haven't read anything that was a mix with paranormal/witches/magic, and didn't think I would have much interested in a book like this, but I was wrong! Once I finished reading Balefire, I wanted to read more of Cate Tiernan's books because this was a fantastic series that left me wanting to know more about Thais and Clio's life that in a way, had yet to begin.

It's a lengthy read, but I didn't lose interest. While it was mainly focused around Paranormal, Fantasy, and Witchcraft; it balanced wonderfully with romance in the mix and the triangle that occurs that wasn't expected. The characters and story progressed at a good pace, there wasn't a let down in either area.

If you aren't one that like the magic/witch genre, you may want to give this series a chance because I was wary at first myself, but was very surprised once I started reading and came to love another genre that I should have given a chance a while ago.