A review by lordofthemoon
R is for Rocket by Ray Bradbury


This is possibly the best book I've read all year. Maybe not technically brilliant, but its heart and soul more than made up for that. It's a collection of short stories written in the '40s and '50s and they are all wonderful. These are the sorts of stories that remind me why I love science fiction: not only do they evoke a sense of joy and wonder at the amazing universe we live in, but Bradbury's writing is poetic, gets under your skin and is a joy to read.

The stories are true Golden Age stuff, all food pills, bubble cars and rocket ships. Most of them invoked the rocket as a symbol of freedom, the future and hope and even in the ones where it was absent, these themes recurred. It's not perfect, it's a product of its time, with almost a complete absence of women, but if you can look past its origins, it's an incredibly rewarding book.