A review by bethreadsandnaps
Big Swiss by Jen Beagin


This novel is definitely unique, and I appreciated the premise: a transcriptionist is falling in love with a therapist's client "Big Swiss" (a young woman from Switzerland), and when she runs into her, Big Swiss will change Greta's life. 

Hudson, New York must have a population of 20 with 15 of them going to the same therapist OM because Greta overhears OM's clients EVERYWHERE. I'm not sure how OM talks is how a therapist would speak. With so many sessions being transcribed, it didn't quite sound like OM was a therapist. But what do I know? 

At first I thought Greta was in her 20s and Big Swiss in her 40s, so I was surprised to find out that my presumption was wrong there with Big Swiss being in her 20s and Greta being in her 40s. 

I started out really liking this book, and I found that it wore on me quickly. I'd put it down easily after a chapter or two and then find myself reading two entire other books in the span of being in the middle of this one. So I wouldn't call it propulsive. I'd call it just okay. Others seem to have liked this a smidge more than I did. I think you'll like this one if you like quirk more than I do.