A review by javalenciaph
The Moonshadow's Daughter by Kaylie Newell


Read the full review on Bookaholics Not-So-Anonymous.

Note: This ARC was provided by Entangled Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

The Moonshadow's Daughter is the third and presumably final novel in the Kaylie Newell-penned paranormal romance series entitled Wolfe Creek. Fans of the series have gotten bits and pieces of Aimee Styles's story of how she came to be a werewolf and her decision to go into hiding. Here, readers finally get the resolution to her tale and she finds it with Dr. Jake Blackstock, who lost his wife just a year ago after an animal attack and has been caring for his young son ever since. This is my favorite among the three books because I liked how the relationship between Aimee and Jake developed and how everything seemed to come full circle. The answers we've been looking for are up for grabs and offered in an entertaining way.

This was a fast-paced and well-written story and had that air of mystery and suspense that's been consistent all throughout the series. All the elements blend well together and while it is a love story, Aimee and Jake's tale isn't overly romanticized, especially since Aimee is keeping her being a werewolf secret from Jake and we all know that secrets never stay hidden for long. Like I mentioned earlier, I'm presuming this signals the end to this trilogy, especially since there weren't any other supporting characters that stood out and are worthy to get their own stories told. Yhis book about life's second chances gave the Wolfe Creek series a fitting end and tied up all loose ends. The Moonshadow's Daughter gets 4.5 stars, rounded off to five stars.