A review by coffeeaddicted1988
The Spy Who Raised Me by Ted Anderson


I received an advanced reader copy of this graphic novel from NetGalley in exchange of this honest review.

UGHHHHH. This one is tough to review, without talking about spoilers! The provided description made it sound like something I could get behind, but the concept was poorly executed. I didn’t even enjoy the artwork – the colours were interesting, but I didn’t like how sloppy the faces appeared. 1 star out of 5, I simply did not like this!

J.B. is a pretty great kid, but so messed up. I didn’t like that the mom turns out to be so evil (can’t say to what extent because of spoilers). I also didn’t like who she works for because it makes no logical sense, nor is it clear what the motives behind the special ops J.B. has been forced to do are.

Instead of leaving me satisfied with at least an entertaining read, this left me wanting for more. What even happens to J.B.? What happens to her dad? What happens to her mother and to her mother’s employer? I am confused at this lack of ending, of closure.

The expected publication date for The Spy Who Raised Me is April 6th, 2021.