A review by moreadsbooks
The M.D.: A Horror Story by Thomas M. Disch


Where to begin? The beginning is great; creepy, well-written, draws you right into the family & all the characters. There is a lot of interesting foreshadowing. Then someone dies, book two begins & we're somewhere completely different. But it's okay, you get back into the rhythm of the story & persevere and it's pretty cool, although not as cool as before. And then someone dies, book three begins & we're somewhere completely different. And by that point you are tearing your hair out because enough is enough and nothing makes any sense any more. Somehow William has started this plague just because he can and he has a wife from out of nowhere who gets literally half a page of play before she's murdered, and everyone just dies, sometimes for no reason (see Ben and Madge and Lance/Launce/whatever his name is) and he has this son who's psycho & none of the foreshadowed elements actually had anything to do with the story & I threw the book across the room & shouted "Fie!"