A review by smitch29
The Rogue King by Abigail Owen



Overall, I liked this book. It was part adventure, part romance. The romance was probably a little heavier than I prefer, but I knew that going in. I liked the world the author was building, and found the creatures and their dynamics interesting, even if it wasn't the most original. I wish there was a bit more rounding out of the plot and its conflicts, though. Certain things felt more about being done for the plot's sake, and less organic, and that was in part from a lack of explanation. Kasia and Brand are trying to make it to the Blue clan, but somehow, they are being tracked by multiple entities, but it's never quite clear how anyone is finding them. Other things, like creature/power limitations could be better defined. For the first book in a series, this wasn't terrible, but certain moments felt like the conflict was solved buy magic, aka weak writing.

The story was decent enough that I don't mind continuing. I like that the next book is about different characters. Kasia was starting to hit the limit of interest in my mind.