A review by lucrezi
First Test by Tamora Pierce


If I'm understanding the timeline right, Protector of the Small is Tamora Pierce's fourth series, published 16 years after Song of the Lioness. Clearly she's honed her craft in that time, and it shows in this newer protagonist, Keladry of Mindelan. Alanna of Trebond had been a spitfire, the stereotypical female character thrust into male-dominated roles, but Kel is not. She's passionate, but she is stone. She is steadfast and resilient, logical and efficient. She wishes to protect those who can't (or won't) protect themselves, but she does that without a hint of condescension. She takes action:
"Warriors get hurt. You don’t have to like it, just live with it. And last night I got tired of thinking and worrying myself sick. I knew what had to be done, and I did it." She sighed happily. "I love it when that happens."

Her attitude towards obstacles is admirable but I couldn't help feeling bad for this ten-year-old. She held her head high, but even Sir Myles of Olau expressed concern:
"What does it take to be a Yamani warrior?" Myles inquired. He seemed genuinely interested.

"It takes a great deal of running up and down mountains in the rain, and not complaining about it," Kel said instantly.

"I’ve heard of this odd behavior," he admitted. "But you admire the Yamanis."

"Oh, yes, sir!" she replied, nodding. "They keep going through anything."

Myles sighed. "It’s my misfortune to be dumped amid so many warrior stoics," he remarked, shaking his head.

"Sir?" she asked, confused. That sounded like the best company in the world.

Like Alanna, Kel deals with being the lone female page among boys, but this time her sex isn't a secret. It therefore tackles a brand new batch of issues that are more socially oriented (discrimination from peers) rather than Alanna's reproductive (puberty was a bitch) and internal ("my friends will hate me when they find out") struggles. Any girl would find Kel relatable; who hasn't been told by boys and men that girls and women can't do what they can?

I also appreciate the overhaul of the training they get thanks to the Immortals War that introduced fantastical beasts and monsters they must now learn to fight. Had we gone through another quartet of a girl learning to fight mere humans, the fights and danger would've been a bit stale.

SpoilerAnother character I appreciated was Sir Wyldon. He starts out as a skeptical and unbearable hard-ass, but he means well. There are so many people like him in real life who, though good and intelligent people, are simply slower to accept change. You can see it in how he educates and disciplines those who disobey or give lip. Admittedly he was pretty awful at the start, but his quiet development as Kel's probation goes on is something to behold. When he learns of Kel's fear of heights later in the story, instead of shaming her, he tries to help her by having her climb a tree every day to slowly get over the fear.

I feel sad saying this: Had I read Alanna: The First Adventure as an adult, without the wool of childhood nostalgia, I never would have picked up another Tamora Pierce book. Thank god I read it as a child, because I got to read First Test which is its superior in every way. If I were to have children, I'd have them read this book because Kel is honestly a great role model not only for girls but also for boys. Honestly, for adults too.