A review by little_red_dragon
The Tethered Mage by Melissa Caruso


“My throat tightened. 'I'm not good at these games. Not like you are, Mamma.'

'Then don't play. Figure out what you are good at, and make that the game.”

The Tethered Mage hits the perfect balance of fantasy, magic, politics, and just a touch of romance. The magic system was fascinating, with hints of a bigger world that I can't wait to explore. Overall, there was a solid, fast-paced plot, though the middle gets a bit more political, so it may not be for everyone.

However, I found the characters to be relatable and complex. Zaira is fiery and loyal, while Amalia is independent and smart. They play off each other so well and it's wonderful to see their relationship grow and develop.

It reads a bit like YA, but that's certainly not a bad thing--it makes it more approachable. And that ending was great! I would highly recommend this one.