A review by baileys_bookstagram
Buried Angels by Patricia Gibney


Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Oh Ragmullin! I swear this Irish town has the highest crime rate in the world! If it was a real town it would be on my bucket list of must visit, a bit macabre I know.
I started this book yesterday afternoon and finished it last night, in this Patricia Gibney never disappoints. I will say that I’m thankful DI Lottie Parker seems to be getting her life under control. This book was heart breaking, so many innocent lives lost, so many twists and turns and tragedy. This is why I love this series, you never know what is coming, when you believe a line won’t be crossed....it is, this is what keeps me turning the pages and waiting for the next instalment. This one hasn’t been published yet and I’m excited for the 9th book!