A review by biblio_bee
Do Us Part by Alessandra Torre


I looooooooved this series!!! Uh.. Wait ?! I already said that before?! ....and I would say it again... I love the Dumont Diaries!

Ms. Alessandra Torre has been amazing in all the books that she wrote. I read...about ..two plus this series, four...which make , six really HAWT and unforgetable books! 

I am so tempted to spill all the juicy beans ..about this series...but I have to restrain myself! Golden rule says: No spoilers. Ever. So , here is my spoiler free opinion:

I love how Ms. Torre created these three characters that literally have blown my mind. That love triangle...or should I rephrased it with "lust" triangle between Nathan-Candy-Drew.... was ...was.. deliciously addictive! Normally, I choose who's to root for. It's either Nathan-Candy or Drew-Candy... but then, as a I read...and get to know each a little better, I CANNOT choose!! I love the elusive, seemingly cold Nathan ( her master / husband) ...but I also love the attentive, forbidden Drew ( the bodyguard) ?! I was, Don't make me choose, I beg you!

I love the pacing of each mini series. There was no going "around the bush" , instead you get what you need ...but strange, you still want more?! I was all antsy to keep it going...and going... and going!! ...and it gets even better....and hotter each time! I can't count the number of times I fan myself! Or wish I've taken another cold shower?! Whoooops!! Because Nathan and Candy together? Combustible!

I love how Ms. Torre weave the story into something unexpected. I was about to lose hope ...feeling doomed...and about to yell profanities here.. ( yes! That intense! Like my heart was about to be ripped apart?! ) ...then something came up!

... ..... ..... I was more than happy!! I was humming ...even my inner goddess hums with me?! ( Believe me, she hums a lot ...the entire series! Haha! ) 
Overall, I la la la love it!!! .....and Alessandra Torre, I love you more!